Transfers from other camps. FOSSOLI. Page 39.
On the 6th May 1942 the go ahead was given to open a camp at Fossoli di Carpi in the province of Modena intended to house 4000 prisoners. The camp was initially made up of tents before the barracks proper were built during late 1942 early 1943 and by Feb 43 held more than 5000. Attached to PG73 were a number of labour camps working for forestry companies around the Modena area. The prisoners at PG73 were almost all British and captured in North Africa. On the 22nd July 1943 a total of 332 prisoners were transferred from PG73 and transported into German POW camps. I was sent the list and asked to help in identifying the camps the men were sent to. Five of those prisoners were transferred to BAB21 Blechhammer. 9 prisoners were sent to BAB20. 7 prisoners were sent to 8B 2 prisoners were sent to 4B 1 prisoner sent to 4C 1 prisoner sent to XX1B 1 prisoner sent to 8A In my research no results were found for these men on the list. ...