Christmas in Camp. Page 28

Christmas theatre production was eagerly worked on and looked forward to by the prisoners and also by German Officers and guards.  It was not unusual for clothing and other items to be donated by the guards and officers.

If a prisoner was required for any Christmas preparation in camp,  but on factory work detail,  a sick note could be forged,  the man for that was, D Hughes, rfn 1447750 KRRC POW 4675.

A must for the camp at Christmas was  'Hooch'  distilled from whatever the prisoners could get their hands on and was hidden all over the camp ready for the big day.  Nearly all POW camps distilled Hooch.   Friendly guards would take a secret nip when offered, especially after renditions of 'Silent Night' sung in both languages. Small gifts from both sides were sometimes exchanged.

Three German Guards at BAB21.
Left. H Schmidt.
Middle. F Jaeger.
Right. H Volkerman.

This guard at BAB 21 befriended  James Crouch 6896314 KRRC
POW 4308.  Efforts after the war to trace him proved fruitless.

 Typical theatre productions.
Courtesy. J Crouch

Three of the prisoners who were instrumental in theatre productions

The following photograph shows how technical the productions became.  This is the lighting console built by the prisoners for the theatre in BAB21.

Courtesy. J Crouch

Above.  The Padre and Capt, G Davidson  97960 , RAMC.  POW 1113. Camp Physician BAB21.
Courtesy. J Crouch


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